
CPAC Live Video 1

Wishing2/26/2009 9:22:57 pm PST

re: #714 realwest

re: #674 Wishing
re: #676 esch
re: #677 jcm
re: #682 Ojoe
re: #684 jaunte
Whoa! That’s quite a range of responses!

Well I don’t quite understand the rage if it’s directed at the GOP - at least not from the financial side of things. Bush fought two wars full tilt boogie - with lots of troops, the surge and all, and had to deal with Katrina and although my math skills are rusty, I think Obama is proposing a budget nearly 50% LARGER than what Bush’s budget was for his last year.
And that s.o.b. Obama - in his $684 Billion dollar Universal Health Care is apparently, according to zombie, ALREADY cutting back on how much medicare will reimburse doctors and hospitals which means me and mom will have to pay more money for our serious medical conditions than we have.

Oh and I’m not doing well myself - have some pretty bad abdominal pain and (much less) lower back pain. I don’t think it’s from the cancer just pulled muscles from some work I did yesterday, so I’m kinda in a grouchy mood anyway.

Aww RW! I am sorry you are hurting…hot bath would help those muscles! And my response was personal: I do not allow *environment* to affect how *I* am. =)