
Overnight Open Thread

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/05/2010 9:15:27 am PST

Weird dreams

I got up very early this morning, around 4:30, and went back to sleep an hour later despite having drunk quite a bit of coffee. This combination, deep sleep in spite of caffeine, usually induces vivid dreams, and this time was no exception.
In the dream, a neighbor of mine had told me that some stray cats he had been feeding had all had kittens at the same time. He brought them over in a big cardboard box. There about 40 of them and they were as small as mice. I had never seen anything so cute and I was eager to adopt one. Then I woke up.

Maybe I’m not showing my soft side enough. I still haven’t replaced my dog, Roswell the Atomic Poodle, who died last year at the age of 15. Maybe I should get a cat this time.