
We Got Mail!

swamprat4/20/2010 10:18:24 pm PDT

re: #287 Obdicut


What force did Justice Black’s decision have? What changed because of that decision?

You seem to have trouble with this, so I’ll answer for you:

The answer is, of course, that almost nothing changed, because there had been a separation of church and state from the beginning of United States.


Didn’t we have prayer in school?
Weren’t the old school primers comprised largely of bible verses?- (and New Testament ones at that!)

Correct me if I’m wrong… or just toss an insult my way.
If this isn’t revisionism … what am I missing?

I am not saying the judgment was wrong, but I certainly thought things changed because of it.

I am prepared to be mistaken /or insulted, it’s all good.