
RIP: Civil Rights Hero Fred Shuttlesworth

Killgore Trout10/06/2011 8:07:56 am PDT

The Palin model…..

Herman Cain Skips Out on Early States to Push His New Book

Instead of capitalizing on his newfound momentum by hitting the campaign trail hard, Cain this week opted to spend most of his time promoting his book, This is Herman Cain! My Journey to the White House, which just arrived in retail stores this week. Rather than visit diners in early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire, he’s signing books at Barnes & Noble outlets in Texas and Washington D.C., although his tour does also include several stops in South Carolina and Florida, two key primary states.

Steve Deace, an Iowa-based talk show host, posed the question on the minds of many people aligned with the Republican Party: “Is that guy running for president or just lining up a book tour?” Deace noted that unlike most of the other candidates, Cain does not have an organized presence in Iowa, the first caucus state.