
GOP Rebranding Watch: House Republicans Vote to Deport DREAMers

Kragar6/06/2013 12:56:27 pm PDT

FRC Doubles Down on Blaming DADT Repeal for Military Sexual Assaults

In his daily email to members yesterday, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins doubled down on his totally unfounded claim that the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell led to a spike in sexual assaults in the military.

Perkins writes that “most” servicemembers have become “victims — not just of assault, but of this new sexually-charged environment,” adding, absurdly, that when Congress repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell it “made sexual attraction a qualification for military service — on par with academic performance, community service, physical fitness, or moral standing.”

We’ll repeat: a study one year after the policy was repealed found that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly has had no negative effect on the military.