
Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Debates Snowden With Steve Clemons and John Schindler

Birth Control Works12/18/2013 6:15:07 am PST

re: #69 BusyMonster

I was just not three minutes ago listening helplessly to two clueless young dudebros walking down the hall saying Snowden should run for Prez.

Here’s what I think most people aren’t getting about just how wrong this whole Snowden situation is.

1. He is currently in the care of the Russian FSB. One of the more notably corrupt and tyrranical governments on the planet. Whose leaders have previously used assassination by polonium poisoning to silence their opposition.

2. Russia is Hacker/Scammer/Spammer central, and it is obvious the government is involved in promoting this kind of parasitical activity. In the early 2000’s, a Russian spammer named PharmaMaster singlehandedly brought down the Israeli security company behind BlueFrog, a radically new and very effective anti-spam tool, by compromising their connectivity to the network. That he could wreak such havoc implied he had some high-powered connections.

3. Snowden just took a bunch of classified NSA material to these people, a nation where the con artists run the government openly and arrogantly, material that he says proves that Americans’ personal information can be accessed by any jerk who walks in the door of the NSA, so that means lots of personal information about you and me, my fellow Americans.

No I don’t consider this motherfucker a hero. He’s a pathetic little attention whore who is now a useful idiot for one of the most corrupt nations on the planet. Thanks, Edward. I’ll know whose name to shit all over when my identity is sold all over the Internet by some Russian scammer.

Young people don’t understand how truly dangerous Other Country’s secret service/intelligence operatives are/can be. The Cold War, to them, is movie stuff.