
Right Wing Bloggers Ranting in Unison; Never Gets Old

Scottish Dragon2/28/2014 11:35:54 am PST

Rod Dreher is bleating about religion being sold out by the filthy capitalists over at his nook:

Well, sure. Something as important as protecting the religious liberties of what would no doubt be a vanishingly small minority of religious Arizonans is nothing when the money that could be made from the Super Bowl is concerned. Right. Sen. McCain is a principled politician; the quality of his principles are another question.

This story could hardly be a clearer demonstration of the fact that, contrary to what so many conservative Americans wish to believe, the corporate class is no friend of traditional religion. In fact, as the Politico story makes clear, American business leaders are a far greater threat to Christian morality than all the faculties of all the universities in the country.

Sweet, sweet tears…