
Amazing Short Film: One Hour of San Diego Surfing Time-Collapsed to Two Minutes

EPR-radar5/21/2014 6:56:48 pm PDT

re: #61 Jack Burton

Having a rigid “set of rules” is just as bad if not worse because it leads to fundamentalism, ideological purity, an inability to govern because you can’t work with others, and taking things too far, well beyond logical boundaries.

There are libertarians who have such a set of rules in their heads, and think of any compromise as a deal with the devil.

They also think everyone should pay individually for Cops and Fire protection too because they take the ‘small government’ idea to an illogical extreme and anything else is tyranny.

I still can’t believe that an otherwise intelligent and functioning person I know (e.g., Stanford Ph.D. in physics) had the habit of twisting any discussion about the pros and cons of government regulation of business to the killing fields of Pol Pot’s Cambodia.