
Estimated 1 Million People Turn Out in Paris to Support Charlie Hebdo

Birth Control Works1/11/2015 12:39:01 pm PST

re: #70 blueraven

Acknowledged. Not questioning your sincerity.

I’d like to point out how easily women are ignored, overlooked and taken for granted.

Even his his post regarding the similarities of Fundamentalist Islam and Christianity, Dr. Matt does not include women. (excepting the abortion issue -women are so much more than our lady parts).

My point is that our (women) basic humanity is just glossed over and we (people who consider women to be people) don’t even notice.

Those, who take woman as people as a given, neglect to speak out, those who do not think we are people do.

Phyllis Shafley is a prime example.


Dr. Matt, I do not wish to single you out specifically. Please do not take offense, yours was just the most recent example of my frustrations.

AS we continue to work on our deeply conditioned xenophobia, we need to work to recognize the misogyny that is also deeply conditioned and is so much closer to home, often IN OUT OWN HOMES.