
Glenn Beck Warns His Audience to Prepare for a Time When He Is Murdered in the Night

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/08/2015 1:45:52 pm PDT

re: #67 Feline Fearless Leader


It’s a bitch ain’t it? See what CSA lovers count on is that the person they’re debating doesn’t know much about the Civil Wars so if you don’t know that General Lee’s horse was Traveller or some other obscure fact, they go “See you don’t know about the war do ya.” They do the same sleazy tactic with guns. Where not having an encyclopedic knowledge of guns is used to put someone down. I said it yesterday but I really feel that German immigrants like my great great grandfather and the thousands of other immigrants that fought for the Union were more patriotic than Robert E. Lee was. Robert E. Lee may have loved his state but he valued his state over his country and Lee is lucky that he did not spend time in prison. A more harsh government would have hanged the CSA’s military leadership and really the rank and file would have been harshly punished too. I am not saying that’s what I would have done mind you but the Union went easy on the CSA, a lot more easier than they could have given the context of times and what they did.