
Trump Says Reporters Questioning His Racist Comments Are the Real Racists

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/06/2016 2:24:40 pm PDT

re: #68 Tigger2

I have owed guns since the age of 10 started shooting at the age of 8 am very good with them, used to hunt all the time before my health wouldn’t let me hunt anymore. But my health wouldn’t stop me from defending myself with one if the need ever arises.

I’ve run into that a lot here. The assumption is a leftie would never own a gun.

When I first moved here, the gun shop owner asked me about my political leanings. I told him, and he stated well I guess I won’t be selling you anything.

I pointed out I did need shells for my shotgun, and he was genuinely surprised I owned one. He also asked what I would use it for, and I told him “home defence: a shotgun is about as sporting as a water hose and I don’t want to miss.”