
Stephen Colbert: The Businessman President Can't Even Get Along With CEOs

Blind Frog Belly White8/19/2017 12:44:07 pm PDT

Someone on FB posted some nonsense about protesters getting $25/hr to counterprotest the Nazis.

My response:

OMG, do you really think thousands of Americans have to be PAID to show up to protest against Nazis and KKK and other White Supremacists? In America? Let me tell you, honey, America is a much, much better place than you think it is. Americans are much, much better people. We are FURIOUS that the scum of the Earth, Nazis and White Supremacists, are feeling brave enough to ooze their way back out of the sewers we consigned them to. We need to make Nazis and White Supremacists afraid and ashamed again. They have no place in American society