
Seth Meyers: Democrats Get Their First Big Electoral Wins of the Trump Era

Dangerman11/09/2017 5:29:09 am PST

Why Trump Will Never Lose His Supporters (goes to politico via

i’m quoting the entire electoral-vote exerpt and bolding some stuff. Clearly these people are lost. they are not rational. they are not redeemable nor politically turnable. and they are a small enough number to probably not matter if we stay mobilized.

still, holy moly:

Politico Magazine has a long piece on why Donald Trump will never lose his core supporters. Its reporter spent time in places like Johnstown, PA, a depressed coal mining town that went solidly for Trump because he promised to bring back coal and steel jobs. Now 10 months into his presidency, the people there see that he is never going to bring back those jobs, but they don’t blame him for it. When the reporter asked people how they would feel if after 4 years if nothing changed, they said they would still love him. When pressed about what his has done for them, the answer was that he hates and battles people they hate, including Democrats, establishment Republicans, the media, Black Lives protesters, and most of all, kneeling NFL millionaires, who they see as ungrateful and disrespectful. In other words, it is all about the culture wars, not economics or even policy. It’s all about hate and he hates the people they hate. You can’t eat hate, but it is a good second choice after food.

Many of the respondents don’t have a clue what they are talking about. One of them said: “Everybpdy I talk to realizes it’s not Trump who is dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.” When the reporter told him that Trump golfs a lot more than Barack Obama, he was surprised. He added that 99% of his TV time is on Fox News. He thinks CNN is definitely fake news. Interviews with many more people gave the same impression, with others saying that his declarations of success are what matter, not actual success. For people who don’t understand why his supporters aren’t shaken by anything Trump says or does, this article is valuable reading material.