
Seth Meyers: Matt Gaetz Thinks "Over-Educated" Is an Insult; Trump Tied to Oath Keepers

Florida Panhandler5/06/2022 12:42:51 pm PDT

re: #49 No Malarkey!

If Alito’s opinion becomes law, it will be the Dred Scott of the 21st century; women have virtually no rights that a white man is bound to respect.

More than a few Black and Latino men also desire complete agency over “their” women as they too share a sometimes deep misogyny within their own sub-cultures. However, if worst case Libertarian Utopia scenarios do play out I think they will quickly regret their decision to tie in with White Supremacists. If they think they will get to enjoy their newly realized dominance over women for long they have another thing coming, and violently. The steps towards exclusion, legal segregation, imprisonment, forced “returning to Africa” or executions will be quick.