
A Great New Song From Nickel Creek: "Holding Pattern" (Official Music Video)

Joe Bacon ✅2/18/2023 2:08:09 pm PST

This just isn’t pissing me off. It’s really making me more contemptuous of asshole right wing Xtians who want to stick their blue noses where they don’t belong.

Florida doctors refuse abortion for woman whose baby is expected to live less than 2 hours

A pregnant Florida woman has been denied an abortion, despite having been told by medical experts her baby will survive “only 20 minutes to a couple of hours,” the Washington Post reported today.

“The baby was no longer buoyed in ample amniotic fluid, Deborah’s doctor gently told her. The kidneys were not developing properly, failing to produce the liquid that protects the fetus and promotes the development of vital organs. She didn’t think the baby would survive without a transplant, and she urged Deborah to follow up quickly with a specialist in maternal fetal medicine.”

Further testing brought no better news. The baby was diagnosed with a deadly condition “incompatible with life” called Potter syndrome. But when the grief-stricken couple decided that terminating the pregnancy was their only choice under the circumstances, the situation worsened.

Read the rest of the story in the Post and remember that this is what FUCKING LINDSAY GRAHAM AND THE REPUBLICANS WANTS TO FORCE ON EVERY WOMAN!

And they justify this by saying that The Big G just might provide a miracle…or they will spread the Frank Luntz line that the mother wants to kill her baby after it’s born.