
Joshua Redman: Tiny Desk Concert

mmmirele2/10/2024 10:46:44 pm PST

Oh, update on my brother. The swelling on his injured foot went down significantly and he decided not to go to the ER. I stopped by there this afternoon. He was making a steak sandwich and was not wearing his shoe or his “boot.” Now, remember, he told me that the wound on his foot was *not* red. However, I wandered into the kitchen and looked at the back of his foot and was fairly alarmed. It appears the “boot” is damaging his foot. I took a picture to show him, because it’s not easy to see. (Pic behind the button. It’s not gross, but a bit unsettling.)


Anyway, if I were a betting woman, I would suspect that his heel is on the verge of an infection. I told him to ditch the “boot” and get a pair of clogs to wear because in my non-medical opinion, it looks to me like he’s going to get a second wound on his heel. But again, I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night. This *scares* me, however.