
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Maine's Michael2/12/2009 1:27:26 pm PST

I think if Wilders had to start this thing over again, he’d say something like:

“The Koran contains some pretty nasty stuff, just like the bible does. The bible has been discussed and reinterpreted for more than a thousand years, and the religions which draw upon the bible have evolved into humane movements.

The Koran, on the other hand, is held out as an immutable text that must be taken literally, and for hundreds of millions of people, even talking about reinterpretations is anathema, worthy of death.

Well, if they won’t let you talk about it and try and reinterpet it, the book is so toxic you may as well ban it.

It is as if Mein Kampf could only be referred to as the true word of God.

No one cares that Mein kampf is available, because everyone is free to debunk it at will, and it has been ridiculed and debunked, and so disempowered.

Not so the Koran. Open it to discussion or criticism, or ban it from our sight.

Do not impose it upon us as the word of God, for it is a hateful screed that taken literally, leads to violence and genocide.’

Or maybe he would say something shorter and more to the point …