
Onion: Special Boy with Freakishly Large Brain Wins Spelling Bee

ArmyWife5/08/2009 7:23:56 pm PDT

re: #33 livefreeor die

1. 52% of popular people want pot legalized. Or 52% of the population does. One or the other.

2. The CIA memos implicated Dems - they knew about the torture. OH NOES!

3. WAIT! Those memos might not be accurate because they were complied from hand written notes! WHEW! That was close.

4. Bush is the scurge of the earth.

5. Obama’s stupidity isn’t stupidity at all - he’s playing chess. Yes. Every weird move he makes is simply a chess move, and we must sit back and wait for the next one. We are simply too dumb to see just what the full genius plot is - not being Obama level smart.

6. Nothing on the most recent Obama bus accident involving the Air Force One incident and the person “responsible”

7. Good thing Obama wouldn’t budge on those Union wages in CA. Seriously, just how selfish is it to expect such things to avoid total state collapse?