
Sen. Cornyn: Limbaugh and Gingrich Comments 'Terrible'

zombie5/29/2009 10:26:48 am PDT

re: #18 astronmr20

Perhaps “racist” is a bit harsh.

However, what are we supposed to think about her membership in “La Raza?”

Here is their mission statement:

“Por la Raza, Todo. Fuera de la raza, nada.”

“For the race, everything; for those not of the race, nothing.”

Just what are we supposed to make of that? Limbaugh may be a bombastic sensationalist, but we should be discussing such things, IMO.

re: #25 Ward Cleaver

I keep hearing that, but do you have a link? Just curious.

re: #41 kansas

326,000 hits on Google. How many links do you need?

It’s one of the mottos of MEChA, not La Raza:


“Also controversial is the phrase “Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada”, which translates “For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing”. Many critics of MEChA see this statement as ethnocentric and racist. This phrase appears in El Plan Espiritual de Aztln and is often claimed to be the “slogan” of MEChA, despite little attestation of its use by MEChA members or alleged importance within MEChA. The official motto of MEChA, as seen in its logo, is “La Unin Hace La Fuerza”, meaning “Unity Makes Strength”. [1] MEChA members themselves differ in their interpretations of “La Raza”. While some use the term to strictly refer to only mestizos and Chicanos, others use it to mean all Hispanics and minorities. A likely origin of the phrase is the Cuban communist Revolution, which used a similar slogan: “Por la revolucin todo, fuera de la revolucin nada!”“