
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

SanFranciscoZionist3/25/2010 12:09:37 am PDT

re: #70 Slumbering Behemoth

The rhetoric piles up. Socialism, communism, nazism. Our POTUS, nay, our entire gov’t, is Marx, Stalin, and Hitler combined. Despite being legally and duly elected, and despite the fact that there is no indication whatsoever that our right to vote has been suspended, they are all evil, tyrannical dictators.

Cries of revolution, and calls to water the Tree of Liberty compound. And the hyperbolists who sound the call to action seem to adhere to a certain stereotype which says that those who are on their side are armed and able, and those who are not detest the second amendment and are therefore unarmed and unable. They are fools. Ignorant pigs eating their own waste.

I did not vote for our POTUS, and I have no love for the dem. party, but anyone who seeks to violently overthrow our gov’t simply because the peacefully elected officials are not the ones they, wanted will find an enemy in me.

Take your anger to the ballot box. If your team keeps losing, then maybe there is something wrong with your team’s message.

I remember back when Bush won his first term, one of my college friends and I were driving around bitching about how it was the end of the world. And her mother said, “You two haven’t been around long enough to know that sometimes you lose an election, and America pulls through fine even though your candidate didn’t win.”

She was right.