
The Proudly Ignorant Party

garhighway4/07/2010 1:38:15 pm PDT

re: #59 Escaped Hillbilly

I agree. I am also an Independent with some Conservative leanings. I believe the Conservatives will eventually find new leadership and move away from the crazies. But they may need to abandon the Republican party to do it at this point. When even John McCain teams up with Sarah Palin to speak to a Tea Party crowd…oh well. The pendulum swings. The problem to me is, when the nuts are the other party, no one is acting as a true counterbalance to the party in power. They are, however unintentionally, bringing about the power vacuum that is going to allow many of the things the fear to be passed into law. Irony tastes yucky.

I don’t necessarily think you need to abandon the GOP, but you certainly must take it back. So long as its muses are Rush and Glenn, it will wallow in the mire.

The GOP needs its “Sister Souljah moment”.