
Maine GOP Governor Candidates Asked About Teaching Creationism

Walter L. Newton5/14/2010 8:48:04 am PDT

re: #64 marjoriemoon

Maybe I’m just a bit froggy from staying up so late on that thread last night… but I’m not sure I’m following you.

I’m ok with being called a “creationist” although I don’t really consider myself as such, but I do believe Torah is truth and therefore Genesis is truth even if I don’t fully understand it. If they want to call me a creationist, well ok, but I’m a creationist that beliefs in separation of church and state. And evolution is scientific fact.

Creationist is starting to become a distasteful description for a person, especially a politician to be tagged with. I’m saying that this is akin to screaming heretic and witch. How much longer and they will it be before reporters and the public ask a politician if they believe in a god, and what effect will that have.


If a politician was asked (left, right what ever politician, I don’t care) if they believe in creationism by a reporter, and they said they do, and they even claimed that evolution is bunk, but they also flatly stated that they don’t want creationism taught in school, would you consider voting for that person if you agreed with most of his other political positions?