
Arizona Rep. Giffords Shot, Several Others Killed

HRH Stanley Sea1/08/2011 12:29:46 pm PST
3.31 pm A reader writes:

I am standing in the aisle at Costco when I found out my Congresswomen, Gabrielle Giffords, has been shot dead up on the north side. While I’m scrambling with my phone, two couples in front of me are talking about it and suddenly I hear one of the women say, “Well, that’s to be expected when you’re so liberal.” And the other woman says, “Ohh, so we get to appoint a Republican?” I did not trust myself to speak. I’m a Soldier. Please remind me what country I am fighting for? At least seven people are dead. She happens to be the only member of Congress married to an active duty military — he’s a Navy officer serving as an astronaut.

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