
Tim Pawlenty Endorses Another Anti-Gay Hate Group

lawhawk2/09/2011 11:11:11 am PST

Putting $$$ to those cuts:

The cuts are nevertheless wide-ranging. According to the proposal, Republicans want to cut the following:

— $169 million from nuclear energy

— $593 million from the Internal Revenue Service

— $74 million from the FBI

— $379 million from NASA

— $544 million from international food aid grants

— $6 million each from the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities

— $2 billion from job-training programs

— $1 billion from the National Institutes of Health

— $224 million from Amtrak

— $755 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Read more:

So, they’re going to cut funding for the one surefire way to wean ourselves off foreign energy dependency? Lovely.

And I would be modestly in support of the IRS cuts only if that was part of an overall package to provide tax simplification - the IRS needs that money to secure tax compliance and oversight. Simplify the tax code and you reduce the overall costs and burdens on taxpayers and the government for collection. Without simplification, the IRS cuts make no sense.