
Sen. Jon Kyl Erases His Planned Parenthood Lie from the Congressional Record

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter4/22/2011 2:46:10 pm PDT

It is also mildly amusing to watch Kyl thrash around so cluelessly and so hard after damaging his party. He should keep on the look out for rage Boehners.

re: #63 Walter L. Newton

Just clearing this up for people who thought that the congressional record was supposed to be what was said in Congress.

Of course Kly lied, no one is questioning that.

And used it as a chance to inject the magical balance fairy into the discussion.

As I explained before, I’m not really interested in discussing anything with you or steve. You can further clarify your comments if you like, but I have found it futile so far. I will simply be rating your comments based on their face value, without the highly questionable “benefit” of further elucidation. Further discussion of points with you guys is just an invitation for more sarcasm, insults, and flamebaiting.