
Birther Whacko Orly Taitz Will Not Be a Senator

lawhawk6/06/2012 11:18:38 am PDT

re: #66 Learned Mother of Zion

He has no clue about the district and its geographical/sociopolitical makeup. I am in Rothman’s old district - but redistricting forced him to either run against Pascrell or Republican Scott Garrett. He would have had no chance against Garrett - the district leans too Republican and Pascrell retained more of his district in the redistricting than Rothman so Pascrell had the home-field advantage. Rothman was odd-man out when they did the redistricting earlier this year. It had nothing to do with his politics or his stance on Israel and everything to do with the fact that the folks in charge of redistricting wanted to keep as many safe for the incumbent districts as possible - rather than open up the possibility that there’d be turnover and more opportunties for a shakeup in party politics here.