
Religious Right Rallies for Missouri Caveman Todd Akin

Viscous Obama8/23/2012 12:36:12 pm PDT

The GOP convention is going to be a cavalcade of crazy. Tuesday, in particular:

Janine Turner, actress and Tea Party activist.
Mia Love, Mayor of Saratoga Springs, UT and Republican candidate in Utah’s 4th congressional district.
Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and 2012 Presidential candidate.
Kelly Ayotte, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, accompanied by Jack Gilchrist, owner of Gilchrist Metal Fabricating.
John Kasich, Governor of Ohio.
Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma.
Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, accompanied by Bev Gray.
Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana.
Sher Valenzuela, candidate for Lt. Governor of Delaware.
Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico.
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey.

I know some people like Condoleezza Rice around here, but I don’t really have much respect for people who speak at Tea Party gatherings.