
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Walter L. Newton12/23/2009 5:01:40 pm PST

re: #714 Cineaste

There is an argument to be made about the craftsmanship as he was not known for skill but I think it’s hard to say he wasn’t inventive. His work feels un-inventive because it is pop. It is hard, having lived in the years since Warhol worked, to look back and comment on his inventiveness since so much of what we see every day was influenced by him in small and large ways. Ever since Duchamp’s “Fountain” we’ve been struggling with the question of what is “art” and, frankly, that has been the point of much of that art. It is fair not to like Warhol, it is fair not to admire his skill, but to say he lacked inventiveness is probably selling him short. The notion of the lithograph was defined by Warhol and much semiotic thought since then (from Nozick to Baudrillard) was influenced by him.

Here is a poster artist…