
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Racer X6/09/2010 9:06:25 pm PDT

re: #710 Cato the Elder


As an old Roman, I know better.

We are invited guests in Saudi Arabia. They can and could and might kick our asses out of there tomorrow.

Ditto Kuwait.

We conquered Iraq, and despite the “drawdown”, we will not ever leave there nor give up our rights as conqueror before it suits us. This Is What Empires Do. And as against the grain as it may be to some who think America is somehow exception to the rule, We Are An Empire.

Germany made peace with us and is officially an independent state. Do you really believe, if they asked us politely, that we would withdraw our bases from Germany?

Iraq: ours.

To counter Iran, to be used as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, to guard against the day when the Saudis ask us to go home, to secure the Persian Gulf, to spread our version of the truth, to buttress our Imperial might - from now until the sun sets on our sassy asses.

It’s also known as Realpolitik 101.


You really think the next 3 presidents (all democrats at the rate the GOP is going) are going to stay and continue to occupy Iraq?

I don’t.

And Germany has begged us to stay.