
Overnight Open Thread

JCM6/08/2009 8:27:40 am PDT

re: #700 realwest

Well I’m certainly no expert on Artillery (Hey DustyVet, if you’re reading this, feel free to wade on in here!) but the last report I’ve seen says 13,000 not 18,000 (and YES 5,000 or more tubes does make a difference) and secondly, there is no such thing as a blast proof door. None. Unless everyone of those 13,000 artillery pieces are behind blast doors (which I doubt; blast doors are expensive as are the “mini-railroad tracks” needed) AND on shock absorber bases, my approach would work (and please don’t forget that the SKORKS have a fairly impressive artillery arsenal available as well).
The key woud be to strike first, and second. Then if needed a third time.

5000 less targets is good. Over all I’m with you.

I don’t think a shooting match is an IF, just when. I’d prefer doing on our terms and getting in a massive first lick.

My point is no matter which way it goes it’s gonna’ be messy as all hell.

I just don’t see the Norks folding with a whimper.