
Obama Speaks 3

Killian Bundy2/09/2009 7:34:13 pm PST

re: #678 notutopia

No one was injured during the recovery effort…except a few careers at the helm.

Port Royal’s props, sonar bulb damaged in grounding

The USS Port Royal sheared off the blades of its two propellers, damaged the sonar bulb that extends from its bow and left its anchors, anchor chains and other debris on the ocean floor during the nearly five days it was stuck on a rock and sand ledge just off Honolulu Airport’s Reef Runway, the Navy said today.

The $1 billion, guided missile cruiser sat at Pearl Harbor’s Mike 3 pier this afternoon as Navy divers ran a remotely operated vehicle underneath it looking for possible other damage.

The Port Royal had just spent four months in drydock when it ran aground in 17 to 22 feet of water Thursday night following its first day of sea trials.

It will return to drydock at the end of this week for repairs, said Rear Adm. Joseph A. Walsh, deputy commander and chief of staff of the Pacific Fleet.

USS Port Royal Commander Relieved of Duties

The commanding officer of the USS Port Royal has been temporarily relieved of his duties, four days after the missile cruiser ran aground offshore of the Honolulu Airport.

Captain John Carroll will be off that duty during the investigation to determine the cause of the grounding.

Carroll took command of the USS Port Royal last October.

/back to the drydock