
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

ladycatnip5/05/2009 7:01:35 pm PDT

#704 Iron Fist

Personally, I don’t think the government has the right to tell you what you can put in your body, be it piss or poison. The government can certainly regulate what you can and can’t do under the influence (i.e.driving), but that would be where I would see the end of governmental authority. The truth is that drugs being illegal simply creates a black market where the only sanctions available to compel “good faith” are violent ones. If somemone sells you a pound of bad heoin, what can you do? Sue them? No, obviously not.

Good points. I took a class from an AF nurse and this was included in the subject matter. From her perspective as a health care professional, there is more downside to legalization, the first being the huge cost of drug rehab; the destruction drugs to do the brain and body; crime stats increase in areas of high drug use, etc. On the other hand, putting drug addicts in prison is not the answer either. Tough subject with no easy answers, but her opinion was that to legalize drugs would cause more harm than good.