
Overnight Open Thread

notutopia2/21/2009 7:52:32 am PST

re: #701 JCM

WOOT! I’m just short of the top 5% when do I get my unicorn!


I just got my retirement portfolio in the mail yesterday.
I try not to look at it more often than monthly since the market has folded on itself. It just makes me ill.
Our household has lost one half of our retirement investments.
50% in the last year! That’s 15 years of our work. Down the market drain. This, after we discussed seriously pulling out the market until it restabilized, two years ago. If we had withdrawn those funds, we still would have had to pay early withdrawal penalties and tax, so all in all, I guess we really no richer and also no poorer. Someone else has benefited from the market downfall…not us.