
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Salem3/09/2009 4:15:14 pm PDT

re: #721 Naso Tang

It does not put it into the hands of government. What you seem to be saying is that government should have nothing whatsoever to do with scientific research including, what is most common, funding any of it.

You think we would have what we have today if we had exclusively relied on the quarterly stock market views of for profit corporations if that were the case?

I can give you one example that we most likely will never achieve if that is the case, and that is controlled fusion for power generation. Of course I could throw in space exploration, major astronomy and much more too.

In a Capitalist system, the market dictates these things. Under Socialism, no one has any money except the government and elites, and they decide what gets funded and to what end.