
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

realwest9/02/2009 10:39:10 pm PDT

re: #713 Gus 802
That ad came later but started waay before that and I haven’t forgotten the Lefts viscious attacks on Bush for Florida in 2000 - they only wanted a recount in counties where the Democrats ran the election apparatus and thought they should have received more votes from about five or six areas. Bush said ok, but let’s recount the whole state.
And for how long did the misreporting of the US Supreme Court last on that one?
You simply can’t have it one way Gus and I’m surprised you’re even trying to. The Left Loonies and the Right Loonies have always been there, it’s just that NOW the Left Loonies are running our government - Pelosi being the Poster Woman for that one.