
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

PAUL_MACDONALD5/04/2010 9:17:41 am PDT

re: #688 lawhawk

We can put Somalia and Chechnya aside for now, as I think your impressions of both countries seems to be based on hearsay and not so much in historical reality. That’s my opinion, anyway.

The only reason 9-11 is the Zenith is because it’s the only one that still has any kind of physical remnant. The tubes in London were working quickly, the trains in Spain were chuffing along. The Indonesian nightclubs still have tourists. In NYC, there are two gaping holes that no one seems to want to do anything about.

I don’t know why the USA thinks that they are suddenly special because a terrorist attack happened. The UK survived the IRA. Israel survives the PLO. Hell, Iraq gets by with all manner of marketplace car bombs. NYC, much less all the USA, can weather this nonsense.

The paranoia about “other stuff in the pipeline” is simply (unintentional on your part) fearmongering writ large. What is this nebulous other stuff and how can it be carried out by an army that barely knows how to tie its shoes? What should we be vigilant for? Container ships full of nuclear waste blowing up a port? How do we, the common citizen, do that?

Many good leads come from the the folks who attend the Mosques to the point where it seems the potential terrorists have to go back overseas for training.

Part of my cynicism about this stems from me being a child of the 80’s and hence, the Cold War. Bunch of stupidity regarding the Commies coming to nuke us when they were barely able to feed their own population. The only one who got that was Reagan. Another similarly clear headed person is needed now to reshape the debate.