
Overnight Open

NJDhockeyfan3/29/2010 9:40:48 am PDT

Steele denies involvement with RNC spending at kinky club

….The story definitely implies that this bondage club expense involved Steele himself. An RNC spokesman writes me to take issue with that:

“We are investigating the expenditure in question. The story willfully and erroneously suggests that the expenditure in question was one belonging to the Chairman. This was a reimbursement made to a non-committee staffer. The Chairman was never at the location in question, he had no knowledge of the expenditure, nor does he find the use of committee funds at such a location at all acceptable…The committee has requested that the monies be returned to the committee and that the story be corrected so that it is accurate.”

So that’s an on-the-record denial of Steele’s personal involvement. More on this later.

The 48 hour rule is officially in effect.