
Science Confirms: Trolls Really Are Horrible People!

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/15/2014 3:50:13 pm PST

Freeper opinion is actually divided over the Dunn trial, with some pretty serious contrasts in evidence:

“I vote for acquittal. Sick of boom boxers forcing their evil crap on everyone around them.”

“Sounds like they already convicted him of firing into the automobile and attempted murder. It may just be a question of causation. He’s an idiot. Sort of like the old dude who shot the man texting in the theater.”

“From what I know about this case it sounds like the shooter went way,way,*way* over the line and deserves some very serious jail time…maybe even life.”

Too egregious for freep to defend and the case is still in doubt? I think I’ll stay out of Florida. I’m old and white but that may not help since I could easily get caught in crossfire when some psycho opens up on some ill- behaved kids. Texas is bad enough but we haven’t formally legalized the shooting of black teenagers (yet).