
King of Smears Chuck Johnson Claims Blurry Google Earth Image Proves NAACP Bomb Was a Hoax

ObserverArt1/10/2015 4:45:58 pm PST

Looking at Google images and I saw this.

If you look, there is a wall about 5 feet out from the bombed wall. I do not see that wall at all in Chuck C’s image. It is in the Denver Post article. And the area behind where the police officers are standing in the image (background) does not look the same as what is seen in Chucks photo (foreground). Looks to me it was another side of the building.

Here is another picture. I don’t see these walkways in Chuck’s picture.

Was there any articles mentioning the directions the building lies and the wall the bomb was against as far as being north, east, south, etc.

Or, was that too hard for the world’s greatest pretend journalist to try to research so he was clear?