
Jeb Bush Is a Fan of "Scientific Racist" Charles Murray

darthstar4/30/2015 5:07:37 pm PDT

It is hot today (73 degrees currently). Too hot to swim - but I did it anyway. Pool felt refreshing, but a bit warm (it was 84 degrees at the club). Hot tub - also warm. Too hot to take the dogs to the beach - but I did it - twice - anyway. Everywhere I look it’s hot. Just looked in the mirror, and I’m hot…okay, different kind of hot…more of a hawt!!, but you get my drift.

I’d go surfing, but I know the second I put on my wetsuit I’m going to be…hot. And the water temp is already up to 57 degrees…FIFTY FUCKING SEVEN! …IN APRIL! (May is tomorrow). Normal temp is 52-54, so we’re already pushing into the danger zone - last year it got to 67. That’s when you see those pretty fuzzy little harbor seals rotting dead from starvation on the beach because there is no food source as it’s all gone deeper to cold water.

I fucking hate global warming. I can’t even bitch about the heat without thinking about the ramifications.

It’s going to be a long, hot summer.