
Video: Joni Mitchell Live, 1970: "Woodstock"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/15/2016 4:52:44 am PST

Trump now says he doesn’t like giving press conferences because the media mangle his “beautiful flowing sentences.”

From his Wisconsin rally:

For the last month I decided not to do interviews, because they give interviews and they chop up your sentences and cut them short. You will have this beautiful flowing sentence where the back of the sentence reverts to the front and they cut the back of the sentence off, and I say I never said that. So, I said, you know what, I am not going to deal with them. They are very dishonest people, I said.

Read the Vox story. One of the linguists they interviewed notes that Trump’s style of speaking betrays a mind of a man who can’t concentrate very long and has very disorganized thoughts. While his conversational style of speaking may work well on the campaign trail, and his victory rallies, it’s going to fail him entirely once he assumes the presidency.