
Colbert: Calm Down, Wingnuts - Dr. Seuss Is Not Cancelled, It's Just Time to Retire Books With Racist Imagery

Nyet3/03/2021 11:26:25 am PST

Section 2.7. Formation in 1776 of the United States of America on the American territories of the dissolved Moscow Tartary.
And now we ask the question: when and how did the United States come into existence? Let us pay special attention to the time of formation of the USA. The Encyclopedic Dictionary tells us that “in the process of the wars for independence in North America in 1775-1783…an independent state was created, the USA (1776).” And now we realize unexpectedly that formation of the USA surprisingly EXACTLY COINCIDES WITH THE END OF THE WAR WITH “PUGACHEV” IN RUSSIA. Let us recall that “Pugachev” was defeated in 1775. Now everything is in its place. Apparently, the “Independence war” in North America was a war with the weakening American Russian Horde. The Romanovs attacked the Horde from the East, and Americans “struggling for independence” attacked it from the West.
Now they teach us that Americans were fighting for “independence from England”. In reality this was a war for the partition of enormous American lands of the Moscow Tartary, which found themselves without the central Russian-Horde governance…. It is clear that the very fact of the war with the “Mongolian” Horde in America was carefully erased from the pages of textbooks of American history. As well as the very fact of the existence of the huge Moscow Tartary.”
(Translated from G. V. Nosovskii and A. T. Fomenko, “Reconstruction of world history (New chronology)”, Business Express, Moscow, 2001, p. 451 of 726 pp.)