
The Return of the Hinchey-Thing

lostlakehiker2/14/2009 11:53:00 am PST

It’s nice to have raving moonbats front and center advocating the “fairness” doctrine.

Next up: fair campaign advertising. The federal government political campaign commission (PCC) would require that all campaign ads be vetted for fairness. No slandering the opposition. No saying mean things about somebody, like that he cheats on his taxes, he tried to sell senate seats, he’s got a freezer full of cash he took in bribes, he’s been caught doing cocaine, etc.

All ads would have to have a fair quota of spokesmen and spokeswomen from each community. If your ad against, oh, say, gay marriage, could not win the support of sufficient numbers of gay and lesbian transgendered differently abled activists, it could not air.

If you want to run an ad in favor of secret ballots for union elections, you must first run it past the PCC to determine whether this ad is fair to the memory of Jimmy Hoffa and Tony Boyle. If it impugns these activists of days gone by, or raises the little matter of the murder of Mr. Yablonski wikipedia article, it’s a partisan political ad and that’s not fair.

And to round out my modest fairness proposal, we could have a fairness in nomination act. No party could nominate any candidate who was deemed by the PCC to be inclined to unfairness. The president would appoint the chairman of the PCC, and he would filter out unPCC candidates and strike their names from the ballot.