
The Name-Jackers Are At It Again

Walter L. Newton4/28/2009 9:07:24 am PDT

re: #50 Sharmuta

No- it’s not that I disagree with you Walter- it’s that this is excessive. This is their daily mission.

Sharm, I grew up with people who’s daily mission was to make it as hard as they could for other people. I grew up in Brooklyn. There were bullies that waited, every day, at the same spot on a street corner, and would pick a fight with the SAME kids every day, day after day. Nothing new now.

I lived in apartment buildings where families had members who would get drunk every day, day after day, and then get violent. Nothing new today.

I knew co-workers who’s only mission seem to be to get other employees fired, employees they didn’t like. If you got targeted by one of these jerks, you would be out of a job with in a few months.

Gosh, where have you been. This sort of crap has been going on for ever. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it special.

What is happen now is only exponential, but not new, not excessive and not a mystery.