
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

What, me worry?1/03/2010 10:11:54 am PST

re: #52 bj

Calling someone a ‘shoeshine’ boy is not racial, it’s derogatory and meant to be demeaning. Showshine “boys” who put food on the table and paid bills might disagree with derogatory. It’s an honest job, lots of people did it to make a living. There’s nothing derogatory about it except for the intent of the person trying to slur … which isn’t possible unless one takes it that way. Shoeshine Boys Arise and Laugh in the faces of all who would demean and denigrate a worthy profession and hard-working people. (Some women/girls did it too.)

Did you think showing Condi as Aunt Jemima was offensive? Or were those hard working Black maids in the south just doing a “worthy profession” that they should have been proud to do in the first place?

Damn us all to get offended at silly photos that depict jobs exclusively held by blacks because there was nothing better for them. Not that better jobs weren’t available. They weren’t allowed to do them. Neither were they allowed to eat in WHITE ONLY restaurants or drink from WHITE ONLY water fountains.

Maybe if they would have starved to death, it would have made you happier. Than all the white folk would have had their jobs and we wouldn’t have to worry about racism.

You are one sick puppy.