
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

Sigma_x4/10/2010 11:33:46 am PDT

What in the F_CK is the republican’s game plan - to pull a Jedi mind-trick and somehow try and convince the American public that we’re NOT better off than we were 2 years ago?

In the past year and a half, Obama and the Democrats have stabilized the banks, the economy, and the major car companies; they passed health care reform that adds thirty million people and cuts the deficit long term while getting rid of the worst abuses of the insurance companies; they extended the solvency of Medicare for a decade; they’re drawing down troops in Iraq; they’re making progress with green energy; there has not been one successful terrorist attack on American soil; they’ve just signed a nuclear arms reduction treaty and re-examined our use of military weapons and they’re making great progress on the global stage. Hell, the DOW is up over 3,000 since we got rid of the republicans.

Are yet here they are - “Vote the bums out! Impeach Obama!”

Who is blind enough to fall for this?

“These are not the droids you’re looking for - move along.”