
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

Achilles Tang4/21/2011 9:41:42 pm PDT

re: #6 Gus 802

Yeah, abortion takes lives.

No snide comment intended, but IMHO most abortion aids lives.

For one, most abortions, up to as much as 70%, happen spontaneously according to studies, many within the first month even without clear knowledge of the woman.

Without considering any religious implications of this, when it is known to happen naturally or otherwise it is something that is seldom taken lightly, and I know that for a personal fact.

However, in the final analysis any early pregnancy is initially a crap shoot of biology with two clear options. One is a potential life, with at best a 50/50 chance of sentient life and the other is a known sentient life with all the uncountable permutations that implies.

I support sentient life before potential life.