
And Now, Instruments of Robot Repair

Mostly sane, most of the time.7/19/2012 6:58:24 pm PDT

re: #72 researchok

A few years ago, my then teen aged daughter was scared to death after a young man got a bit too over enthusiastic when alone with a boy she thought f as a ‘friend’ (clothes were torn, a near assault, etc).

I of course went nuclear, couldn’t sleep fr days and wanted to deal in a very up close and personal with the boy. Being divorced and a long way from home only intensified my anger.

My sister, with whom I am very close, calmed me down somewhat when she told me what happened to my daughter is not so uncommon.

“Every girl has the same story”.

I was shocked. I asked if it had happened to her and she said it did, a couple of times.

I asked her why she never told me- I would have beat the guy for sure for hurting my sister.

She replied and said she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

I was shocked.

When you have a daughter, well, it’s different- especially when you know what she may have t del with.

No, this did not happen to me.