
Video: PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press

simoom9/16/2012 11:50:23 am PDT

re: #38 Gus

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it’s the opposite and while he doesn’t “endorse” Obama the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

I disagree. I think the PM is very clearly, ham-handedly trying to pressure Pres. Obama, using the GOP as proxies to apply that pressure during a presidential election, and then denying that he’s actually doing it when called on it publicly. There was the leak to the media by the Prime Minister’s Bureau to generate that “snubbing” story firestorm. The PM dressing down the U.S. ambassador in front of GOP House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers, followed by leaks about the event from his aides and multiple retellings by Mike Rogers himself. And of course there was the PM’s recent public chastisement of Sec. Clinton (over which the PM received pushback from multiple members of his cabinet for airing dirty laundry in public).