
Post-Debate Open Thread

Lidane10/17/2012 11:43:59 am PDT

Sorry to go OT, but I am absolutely livid right now.

I start work next Tuesday. I need to move across town to do it. I’d found a sublet that would work for me — it was in my price range, and the lease owner was willing to let me move in and start work and get a couple of paychecks under my belt before we would switch the lease over to me. We talked on the phone and decided this on Saturday.

Today she tells me that she wants me to go through the lease application process instead, AFTER I’ve already started packing and getting ready to move, and after getting money from my family to help me pay for the deposit and the first month’s rent that we’d already agreed on.

With my student loan debts, getting through the application process is pretty much a lost cause. Barring a miracle, this means I’ll be living in some shitty motel with weekly rates until I can get paid and get in somewhere that won’t crucify me for having those debts. ARGH.